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Hantavirus Remediation


Hantavirus remediation is especially important because coming into contact with urine, saliva, or droppings from rodents can cause a fatal illness called Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). HPS is carried by deer mice and other wild rodents.


People can come into contact with the virus when they breathe in tiny particles of fresh saliva, urine, droppings or nesting materials. For example, you could get Hantavirus if you sweep or vacuum an area that has infected droppings in it. Cleaning stirs up the tiny particles of the infected droppings, urine, or saliva, and makes them float in the air. Breathing in these tiny particles makes them enter your lungs and you could get sick.


HPS can also be caused by eating contaminated food or touching the nose or mouth after touching a contaminated area. It can also be caused by being bitten by a deer mouse or other wild rodent carrying the virus.


Anyone can be at risk for contracting Hantavirus, even healthy people. Mice infestation in the home is the primary concern for HPS, but other places like cottages, cabins, trailers, garages, crawl spaces, and sheds can be at risk. Rodents nest in these places in the winter and spring cleaning can stir up infected areas and cause the air you breathe to become contaminated.


Alpine Demolition offers Hantavirus remediation in all settings from residential to commercial and industrial. Our professionals will clean and sanitize the environment to ensure it is safe for building occupants.

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